Tales from the Orc Den

The Maid and the Orcs

Monster Romance Reviews Season 1 Episode 8

She’s fallen for an angel… but he’s mated to a monster.

Oh goodness this is a chonk of an episode! But The Maid and the Orcs by Finley Fenn is a chonk of a book! This book was a milestone for many monster romance readers. In this episode EJ, Amy, and Stacy dig into how this book affected them as readers and how it affected two of the most influential of Orc Sworn’s orcs, Baldr and Drafli. We get deep into the emotional character development of these two. Plus, we find ourselves talking about the Goonies and what animals we are most like. Can you take a guess?

Additional show notes!

Youtube of Mikely getting hugged in the Goonies: https://youtu.be/jioxvkZGNZI 

Vaxxlian Mates Series by Sue Mercury: https://www.goodreads.com/series/257138-vaxxlian-mates

Be sure, too, to check out more awesome stuff by our dear Finley! Visit her website here: https://finleyfenn.com

Music is called "Undead Bride" by Pagefire https://soundcloud.com/nerdymetalhead202/undead-bride